Wednesday, January 27, 2010


As most of you are probably aware, Mrs. Jean Ratcliffe went home to be with her Beloved Savior last Sunday. I read a statement recently that said, “No one can argue with a changed life.” When it comes to following God, no one can argue with the fruit that Jean’s life produced. She was a person of passionate prayer, worship, and study of the Word. I never observed an ounce of regret, bitterness, or pride in her life. She lived out the message of the Gospel as well as anyone I have ever known. Her integrity was spotless, her compassion genuine, her relationship with Jesus contagious. When she arrived on that other shore last Sunday, a resounding shout of joy was the first thing she heard; a cry of love that conveyed the passionate love of our Bridegroom King singing over His beloved child. As she opened her eyes, free from the pain and limitations of this life, the Savior gently took her hand in His and said, “Welcome home.”

The purpose of this blog is to encourage others to live a life of faithful obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let the life and memory of Jean Ratcliffe be a living epistle that propels you into an intimate relationship with Jesus.

-John Spraker


  1. John,

    Thank you for writing. It couldn't have been said better.

  2. Well stated John. My last visit with her was as inspiring as any conversation I ever had with her. She was truly an example of how we all should live for Chris

  3. May we continue to follow in the footprints that she's left and lead others to follow by the example that she has trulu given us!
