Monday, February 8, 2010

Being Content...

A few days ago, I passed a billboard at a church near West Virginia that had posted “For The Person Who Is Praying For Snow, PLEASE STOP, God Has Heard You!”. I think this sign is funny, but it does reveal a little about each of us during this very difficult stretch of winter weather.

I think most of us have had our fill of snow this winter. We are all a little tired of shoveling snow and having to stay indoors being restricted to our homes because the roads are not safe to travel, especially in the evening hours. Parents are getting more impatient with each day as schools continue to announce that they are closed. We are bothered by long lines at the grocery store to buy milk, juice and bread . . . and are even more disturbed to find they have run out of these essential items. Snow shovels break, and then we discover the local hardware stores no longer have snow shovels in stock. As the frustration of winter and the severe weather continues to build, we even suffer from cabin fever. If you are like me, you are longing for spring days with sunny skies, moderate temperatures and a renewed spirit that usually comes with that season of the year.

However, we should examine ourselves during these kinds of trials. To some, this kind of weather may not seem like such an ordeal, but to others, it is the worst time of year. Are we struggling to be happy in these dreariest of days? Or, are we “content”? Paul wrote a letter to the people of Philippi giving them the secret to being content regardless of their circumstances. It is in this scripture that we can examine our own hearts and emotions during these hard winter months.

Philippians 4:11-13 says “I’m not saying this because I’m in any need. I’ve learned to be content in whatever situation I’m in. I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret of how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

So, despite all of the limitations that 18-36” of snow can bring and the problems that come with all of the recent bad weather, ask yourself this question . . . am I content? If not, stop looking at the weather forecast for good news. Instead, open up The Word of God and read what He has done for you and what He promises to do for you! Pray and ask God to speak to your heart. Pray for those who are in need. If nothing else, look for ways to be an encouragement to others by giving them a quick call, write a letter or even offer to help shovel a driveway.

In the meantime, if YOU are the one praying for all of this snow . . . you can stop, He HAS HEARD YOU!!

In Him,

Pastor Chris Blackburn

1 comment:

  1. Amen Pator! I will agree enough snow. I too am ready for spring. I have to stop and thank God that it is just snow falling on us as I think of what fell on the people of Haiti. We are able to shovel out and go on about our day finding our friends,neighbors and loved one still alive. We are able to be fed and keep warm with roofs over our head. So as frustrating as all the snow is I look at the blessing in it too. For most families that are snowed in together, it is the only time they spend together ecause they cn't hit the roads and go there seperate ways and on with their lives that have them too busy for each other. So my prayer in this nasty weather is that Faith be renewed,families be strengthened and people stop to see the beauty in Gods work and thank him for the blessing we do have.
