Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mercy, Faith, and Obedience

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1:18-25

As we enter into this Christmas week, many times we find ourselves conflicted. It’s easy to get lost in all of the trappings of secular Christmas. We become engrossed in family, fellowship, food, and shopping. We look forward to the “events”. It’s not that these things are bad nor am I saying that we should not enjoy these things. But for the believer we cannot lose sight as to what Christmas is about.

    For the believer it is about our Redeemer and Savior. This day is also about humanities future. Many people played an important role in one of the greatest events in Human History. The Angel of the Lord, the Virgin Mary, and wise men all played an important role in the birth of Christ. Yet Joseph, often forgotten, also played and important role.

    We must never forget that much hinged on the conduct of Joseph.

    Joseph finds himself in a very precarious position. The scriptures introduce Joseph in the middle of an un-welcomed nightmare. He was engaged to a young girl. He was in love and He was committed. He was working diligently to provide Mary with a home and means to support her. Then Mary reveals to Joseph that she is pregnant. Her explanation was impossible for anyone to believe.

    Mary was facing a death sentence. They could take their pick on how to convict her. She could be stoned for adultery or stoned for blasphemy (saying that the pregnancy was Divine). Yet Joseph made a choice. He chose not to demand his justice. He chose to give mercy.

Proverbs 21:21 (GW) “Whoever pursues righteousness and mercy will find life, righteousness, and honor.”

    We have all had a time in our life that we have needed mercy. Everyone reading this blog has sinned. All have made sinful decisions and have been exposed as human and imperfect. It is ironic that many people are prone in these times to cast stones. But it is in these times that mercy is needed.

    I found over the years of ministry that people who have received great mercy from God are usually more freely to give it. Why? Probably empathy for the person exposed. Joseph chose the higher rode, he chose mercy. The result was pretty good. Mary was protected and the unborn child was protected.

    Do you think that this merciful carpenter had an influence in raising such a merciful Savior?

1 comment:

  1. Great post Pastor! So much to be thankful for this season. It is so comforting knowing that God set up everything just right for His Son to save us all. Thank you!

