Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On the Importance of Church Family...

Hebrews 10:24-25 "We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming."

At the end of the school year as I was looking through what seemed to be an endless mountain of used workbooks, worksheets and notebook paper I ran across something that I found to be quite heartening. I say this not because my child is a great wordsmith or author (yet) but because of the person he chose to write about in the character essay he had been assigned.

Those of us with children in public school know the necessity of a refreshing moment after re-teaching something taught spiritually incorrect at school. I’m sure those that home school also have the need to be strengthened after spending countless hours devoted solely to the education of their children.

It is at this place in a Christian parent’s life that our church family becomes so encouraging. It is at this point of a child’s need that our church family is ever so willing to intercede, instruct and sometimes even intervene. And it is with a grateful heart that we parents call Radford Worship Center our home. Having said that, I would like to share this essay and in doing so I hope it is an encouragement to you because you are making a great impact.

Brother Tony
By: Jeremy Nelson

There is a nice elderly man at my church. His name is Brother Tony. He is a good citizen. He always shows great friendship and kindness. I will tell you why I picked Brother Tony.

Brother Tony is always there when you need him. He shows great friendship by this. When he sees you he gives you a great big hug.

Brother Tony always shows great citizenship. Our church takes up money to send to South Dakota. Brother Tony goes to South Dakota to take the Native Americans food. He always has a smile on his face.

Brother Tony shows kindness and love by praying for you. Brother Tony calls me “Buddy” because I think he can’t remember my name.

Brother Tony is spectacular. He shows citizenship, kindness and friendship. I think that Brother Tony is outstanding. Brother Tony is always on your side.

-Cindy Nelson


  1. Very well said, Jeremy! Brother Tony is very outstanding!

  2. You have great insight, Jeremy. God bless you! Connie W.
