Mark 4:35 On that day, when evening came, He said to them, "Let us go over to the other side."
36 Leaving the crowd, they took Him along with them in the boat, just as He was; and other boats were with Him.
37 And there arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up.
38 Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?"
39 And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace, be still." And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.
40 And He said to them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
41 They became very much afraid and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"
This is the well known story of Jesus sleeping in the boat during a life-threatening storm. The disciples are afraid and wake Jesus up. It’s interesting to note that they don’t ask Him for help. They merely want Him to be terrified too. It is unnatural to sleep in a boat during a storm and this display by Jesus rattles the disciples just as much as the fierce storm. Where does He get off sleeping, being perfectly at peace, in all this chaos? Is He not living in the same world as His followers? No, actually He’s not. Jesus lives in the keen awareness that He is not of this world. His kingdom is in Heaven and there are no boat rocking storms in Heaven. There is only peace in His kingdom. That is His reality and these Scriptures show us that it can be our reality as well. God’s kingdom is superior to this one and as believers it is our job to make earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). Jesus tells us the key to access this superior reality is faith. After He rebukes the storm He asks them about their faith. The implication being that if they would operate in faith, they too could’ve stilled the storm. According to the Lord we are able to move mountains by faith, why not calm a storm? So, why don’t we see more storms being placed under the authority of the Kingdom of God? I believe, at least in part, it is because the visible world around us is given more respect than the unseen kingdom of which we belong. Our hearts overflow with the reality we are submitted to. Jesus’ heart was filled with the peace of His Father’s world. That is why He could sleep when the natural world around Him was falling apart. That is why the disciples were falling apart; because their world was not at rest. Jesus releases peace and the storm is silenced. We release what fills our hearts. I don’t know about you but I would rather let the peace out.
-John Spraker
Director - Rock Club
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Steppin Out at MK's
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Firearms Training Class
Today, several of us from RWC went to a Firearms Training Class in Pulaski, VA. In short: We had a blast! Part classroom and part firing range, our instructor, Jeff Walke, definitley knows his stuff. From teaching us the Law to teaching and showing proper safety for firearms this man is truly a wealth of knowledge. Oh, and we learned that Edith (and a few others of us) is an incredible shot. There was even some talk of starting ladies shooting club. MMMMM.... Here are some shots from the day.

Our group talking while waiting for our paperwork.

Luke and Dr. Dave compare targets.

Laura on the range.

You go girl!

If anyone is interested in the class or would like more information please contact Tim Ratcliff.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
On the Importance of Church Family...
Hebrews 10:24-25 "We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming."
At the end of the school year as I was looking through what seemed to be an endless mountain of used workbooks, worksheets and notebook paper I ran across something that I found to be quite heartening. I say this not because my child is a great wordsmith or author (yet) but because of the person he chose to write about in the character essay he had been assigned.
Those of us with children in public school know the necessity of a refreshing moment after re-teaching something taught spiritually incorrect at school. I’m sure those that home school also have the need to be strengthened after spending countless hours devoted solely to the education of their children.
It is at this place in a Christian parent’s life that our church family becomes so encouraging. It is at this point of a child’s need that our church family is ever so willing to intercede, instruct and sometimes even intervene. And it is with a grateful heart that we parents call Radford Worship Center our home. Having said that, I would like to share this essay and in doing so I hope it is an encouragement to you because you are making a great impact.
Brother Tony is always there when you need him. He shows great friendship by this. When he sees you he gives you a great big hug.
Brother Tony always shows great citizenship. Our church takes up money to send to South Dakota. Brother Tony goes to South Dakota to take the Native Americans food. He always has a smile on his face.
Brother Tony shows kindness and love by praying for you. Brother Tony calls me “Buddy” because I think he can’t remember my name.
Brother Tony is spectacular. He shows citizenship, kindness and friendship. I think that Brother Tony is outstanding. Brother Tony is always on your side.
-Cindy Nelson
At the end of the school year as I was looking through what seemed to be an endless mountain of used workbooks, worksheets and notebook paper I ran across something that I found to be quite heartening. I say this not because my child is a great wordsmith or author (yet) but because of the person he chose to write about in the character essay he had been assigned.
Those of us with children in public school know the necessity of a refreshing moment after re-teaching something taught spiritually incorrect at school. I’m sure those that home school also have the need to be strengthened after spending countless hours devoted solely to the education of their children.
It is at this place in a Christian parent’s life that our church family becomes so encouraging. It is at this point of a child’s need that our church family is ever so willing to intercede, instruct and sometimes even intervene. And it is with a grateful heart that we parents call Radford Worship Center our home. Having said that, I would like to share this essay and in doing so I hope it is an encouragement to you because you are making a great impact.
Brother Tony
By: Jeremy Nelson
There is a nice elderly man at my church. His name is Brother Tony. He is a good citizen. He always shows great friendship and kindness. I will tell you why I picked Brother Tony.By: Jeremy Nelson
Brother Tony is always there when you need him. He shows great friendship by this. When he sees you he gives you a great big hug.
Brother Tony always shows great citizenship. Our church takes up money to send to South Dakota. Brother Tony goes to South Dakota to take the Native Americans food. He always has a smile on his face.
Brother Tony shows kindness and love by praying for you. Brother Tony calls me “Buddy” because I think he can’t remember my name.
Brother Tony is spectacular. He shows citizenship, kindness and friendship. I think that Brother Tony is outstanding. Brother Tony is always on your side.
-Cindy Nelson
Monday, June 22, 2009
Have you ever had a conversation with someone that you loved and you just knew his or her mind was not on what you were saying? They just were not listening to a word you were saying. Later you may have mentioned the same thing to that person and they act as if they were hearing it for the first time. That can be a frustrating event for us, especially if we were pouring our heart out to that person and they did not listen.
It makes me wonder how many of us are really listening to what God is saying. Are you so caught up in yourself or your life that you do not stop to listen to God?
God is a daily, ever present help, who speaks to us by his Holy Spirit each and every day. The question is---are you listening? Are we hearing Him?
God has poured His heart out to us through His Word. Then His Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. Jesus poured His heart out for us by the blood He shed on the cross. Are we listening? Are we living what He says? Are we eager to hear the voice of God? Or do we save our times to hear from God for that time between 10:30 and 12:00 on Sundays?
It seems as if some want to hear from God, but only when they want something from God. Do you set your heart to listen for Him each day?
In these times it is more important than ever to be led by His Spirit. If you cannot hear or you do not listen—guess what? He will not lead you and the door is open for you to be defeated in your walk.
How do you begin to train yourself to hear when God speaks? Your relationship with God must be your number one priority. Loving God and His Word will lead you to seek Him. Jesus said His sheep know His voice. Do you know His voice?
-Pastor Connie Shinn
Pastoral Counselor
Living Free Christian Counselling
It makes me wonder how many of us are really listening to what God is saying. Are you so caught up in yourself or your life that you do not stop to listen to God?
God is a daily, ever present help, who speaks to us by his Holy Spirit each and every day. The question is---are you listening? Are we hearing Him?
God has poured His heart out to us through His Word. Then His Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. Jesus poured His heart out for us by the blood He shed on the cross. Are we listening? Are we living what He says? Are we eager to hear the voice of God? Or do we save our times to hear from God for that time between 10:30 and 12:00 on Sundays?
It seems as if some want to hear from God, but only when they want something from God. Do you set your heart to listen for Him each day?
In these times it is more important than ever to be led by His Spirit. If you cannot hear or you do not listen—guess what? He will not lead you and the door is open for you to be defeated in your walk.
How do you begin to train yourself to hear when God speaks? Your relationship with God must be your number one priority. Loving God and His Word will lead you to seek Him. Jesus said His sheep know His voice. Do you know His voice?
-Pastor Connie Shinn
Pastoral Counselor
Living Free Christian Counselling
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Head Knowledge vs. Heart Knowledge
“Head Knowledge” it is what we hear and learn every Sunday, every Wednesday, every time the church doors are open. Good things to know; but seemingly not of much use, but of much purpose. It is easy to sit and listen to what the Pastor brings us every Sunday. Sit and nod our heads in agreement. Sit and say: “Amen” And then do nothing with it. It is very important what we hear, what we read. We need it. Maybe not that day or the next, but we need it. This head knowledge is important.
For it isn’t until the trials in our lives come upon us that we choose to take this head knowledge and apply it. Apply it in the way God has intended. It is during these trials, these dark and desperate times in our life that we choose to take what we have heard and learned and use it. It is in these times that the “head knowledge” becomes “heart knowledge”. When the written Word of God becomes the known and tangible Breath of God.
The word of God is a very active and motion filled entity. To hoard it, to keep it in an inactive state, to keep it only in our heads is to do this entity a great injustice. It is when we share it, when we put it to action, when we move it from our heads to our hearts we fulfill its very purpose. When this head knowledge becomes heart knowledge it is then that we fully start to understand this God Breathed Word. Let us not wait for those trials, those dark times to apply this head knowledge. Let us now apply what we are hearing, learning and reading to our lives and more importantly to the lives of others. So that this written Word of God can become the Tangible Breath of God not only to us but to those in desperate need of the Truth and the freedom that comes with it.
-Allison Laster
For it isn’t until the trials in our lives come upon us that we choose to take this head knowledge and apply it. Apply it in the way God has intended. It is during these trials, these dark and desperate times in our life that we choose to take what we have heard and learned and use it. It is in these times that the “head knowledge” becomes “heart knowledge”. When the written Word of God becomes the known and tangible Breath of God.
The word of God is a very active and motion filled entity. To hoard it, to keep it in an inactive state, to keep it only in our heads is to do this entity a great injustice. It is when we share it, when we put it to action, when we move it from our heads to our hearts we fulfill its very purpose. When this head knowledge becomes heart knowledge it is then that we fully start to understand this God Breathed Word. Let us not wait for those trials, those dark times to apply this head knowledge. Let us now apply what we are hearing, learning and reading to our lives and more importantly to the lives of others. So that this written Word of God can become the Tangible Breath of God not only to us but to those in desperate need of the Truth and the freedom that comes with it.
-Allison Laster
Monday, June 15, 2009
Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
If you have children, you are probably old enough to remember the public service announcements that used to come on television every night that stated “It’s 10 P.M., do you know where your children are?” When I was younger and these ads would come on, I would snicker every time I heard them, thinking “What parent in their right mind doesn’t know where their children are?!” Of course, by the time I became a teenager myself, I proved that there is a need for that question! As parents, we realize that the later our children stay out, the more trouble they can get into: fewer public places to go, less adult supervision, it’s dark outside, etc. Amidst these dangers, the more important it is to know exactly where they are.
The question we need to ask ourselves as parents is “At this time, in this dangerous world, do you know where your children are?” Do you know where your children are spiritually? Merely going to Sunday School or attending church on Sundays or Wednesdays does not ensure that your children are where they need to be spiritually. Are you nurturing your child spiritually through prayer and Bible study? Do you discuss life lessons with your children from a Biblical point of view? Is Jesus Christ the priority in your home?
As parents, it is easy to become caught up in the cares of the world. We get swept up into things such as sports, friendships, fashion, video games, academics, dating, toys, music, movies, etc. Our children are tempted with all the latest gadgets and trends, and we often comply in order to help them “fit in”. So much time, energy and money is spent on worldly pursuits. But God’s Word tells us that we shouldn’t be conformed to the world. Jesus said we are to be the light of the world, reflecting His love and a Godly character to those who view us. We should teach our children to be light in the world, not a mirror image of the world. The world needs to see Jesus Christ as the priority in the lives of believers, including children.
Often worldly pursuits take priority over what is most important: the child’s spiritual growth. A friend of mine recently commented that she and her children had not been to church in a while because of their sports schedules. Her defense was “We can’t let their teams down!” But they were willing to neglect the one who died for them to secure their eternal life. Children learn priorities from their parents. Is Jesus Christ the priority in your home?
Deuteronomy 6:5 -7 tells us “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” We must be diligent in teaching our children about God, making God the priority in all of our everyday experiences. It’s not easy parenting children in the world in which we live. It’s not easy to be a kid in this world, either. But if you know where your child is, spiritually, you can help them to grow in the Lord and develop a strong foundation that will support and protect them throughout their lives.
-Pastor Tina Blackburn
Children's Pastor
The question we need to ask ourselves as parents is “At this time, in this dangerous world, do you know where your children are?” Do you know where your children are spiritually? Merely going to Sunday School or attending church on Sundays or Wednesdays does not ensure that your children are where they need to be spiritually. Are you nurturing your child spiritually through prayer and Bible study? Do you discuss life lessons with your children from a Biblical point of view? Is Jesus Christ the priority in your home?
As parents, it is easy to become caught up in the cares of the world. We get swept up into things such as sports, friendships, fashion, video games, academics, dating, toys, music, movies, etc. Our children are tempted with all the latest gadgets and trends, and we often comply in order to help them “fit in”. So much time, energy and money is spent on worldly pursuits. But God’s Word tells us that we shouldn’t be conformed to the world. Jesus said we are to be the light of the world, reflecting His love and a Godly character to those who view us. We should teach our children to be light in the world, not a mirror image of the world. The world needs to see Jesus Christ as the priority in the lives of believers, including children.
Often worldly pursuits take priority over what is most important: the child’s spiritual growth. A friend of mine recently commented that she and her children had not been to church in a while because of their sports schedules. Her defense was “We can’t let their teams down!” But they were willing to neglect the one who died for them to secure their eternal life. Children learn priorities from their parents. Is Jesus Christ the priority in your home?
Deuteronomy 6:5 -7 tells us “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” We must be diligent in teaching our children about God, making God the priority in all of our everyday experiences. It’s not easy parenting children in the world in which we live. It’s not easy to be a kid in this world, either. But if you know where your child is, spiritually, you can help them to grow in the Lord and develop a strong foundation that will support and protect them throughout their lives.
-Pastor Tina Blackburn
Children's Pastor
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Crossroads Summer Program Prepares to kick off in July
There are so many ministries at the Radford Worship Center and I would like to take some time and let you know a little about one of them, Crossroads Ministry. Crossroads is dedicated to recognizing and meeting the needs of incarcerated youth, adults and their families. We currently are operating within four facilities, providing bible studies, life skills classes, counseling, weekly services and our summer program “Planning for Success on the Outside”.
Most Juvenile Detention Centers have limited funds for programs. As a result there was a hole in the summer schedule during regular school hours at the local juvenile detention center. So they asked if we could fill that hole - a time slot of roughly 8:30 to 3:00 five days a week. We saw this as an excellent opportunity to help these teens grow in Christ. With that began our first year of conducting the “Planning for Success” summer program. This is one of the most exciting opportunities we’ve been given at Crossroads.
The summer program is a unique blend of class room and hands on activities designed to equip the teens with some of the life skills necessary to become successful in life. The really cool thing about the program is the whole thing is centered on Jesus! We invite grounded adults from all walks of life and professions to come and invest in the teens. Last year we had a former home ec teacher do cooking classes, a banker teach on finances, physical therapists taught proper exercise techniques, pastor Mike taught on a biblical view of sex, other ministers came to invest their time with studies, and a former gang member from Atlanta came to share his testimony of how Christ changed his life.
It does not take being around the young people long to realize how much investment it takes with this population to see a real change in their life. In many cases you find yourself having to re-parent them. Last year there were many times that I was reminded of a scripture in 1 Corinthians 4:15 “You may have countless Christian guardians, but you don't have many spiritual fathers. I became your father in the Christian life by telling you the Good News about Christ Jesus.”
The awesome thing about the whole summer is we get to see these young people begin to really embrace a relationship with Jesus Christ. Last year we had many come to Christ, and actually had the opportunity to hold a baptism service in the New River.
We always have opportunities for qualified individuals to come and be a part of what God is doing. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in what opportunities we have for this year’s summer program. This year we will begin on July 6th.
Pastor Ted Farmer
Director Crossroads Ministry
Most Juvenile Detention Centers have limited funds for programs. As a result there was a hole in the summer schedule during regular school hours at the local juvenile detention center. So they asked if we could fill that hole - a time slot of roughly 8:30 to 3:00 five days a week. We saw this as an excellent opportunity to help these teens grow in Christ. With that began our first year of conducting the “Planning for Success” summer program. This is one of the most exciting opportunities we’ve been given at Crossroads.
The summer program is a unique blend of class room and hands on activities designed to equip the teens with some of the life skills necessary to become successful in life. The really cool thing about the program is the whole thing is centered on Jesus! We invite grounded adults from all walks of life and professions to come and invest in the teens. Last year we had a former home ec teacher do cooking classes, a banker teach on finances, physical therapists taught proper exercise techniques, pastor Mike taught on a biblical view of sex, other ministers came to invest their time with studies, and a former gang member from Atlanta came to share his testimony of how Christ changed his life.
It does not take being around the young people long to realize how much investment it takes with this population to see a real change in their life. In many cases you find yourself having to re-parent them. Last year there were many times that I was reminded of a scripture in 1 Corinthians 4:15 “You may have countless Christian guardians, but you don't have many spiritual fathers. I became your father in the Christian life by telling you the Good News about Christ Jesus.”
The awesome thing about the whole summer is we get to see these young people begin to really embrace a relationship with Jesus Christ. Last year we had many come to Christ, and actually had the opportunity to hold a baptism service in the New River.
We always have opportunities for qualified individuals to come and be a part of what God is doing. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in what opportunities we have for this year’s summer program. This year we will begin on July 6th.
Pastor Ted Farmer
Director Crossroads Ministry
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
RWC Church Picnic 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Creation? Or Evolution?
As it becomes more difficult to be a believer in our country it becomes more imperative that we as believers know the truth and live the truth no matter how unpopular it is with the greater culture. The Evolution-Creation debate is one of these areas. Why; because the greater truth behind creationism is a foundation the Christian beliefs.
Contrary to the opinion of many believers creationism and evolution do not mix. They are contrary to one another. First creationism and evolution are not science, they are world views. They create a prism by which a person will view all other things in life, including science. Many evolutionary scientists would have you believe that they are unbiased in their research, but they come at the research with the bias of evolution, just as creation scientists will view science in a creation prism.
The reason a believer cannot examine science in the evolution world view is because it is contrary to scripture. Romans 5:12 “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death, spread to all men, because all sinned.” It was the sin of Adam that brought death into this world. It would be an incorrect assumption to believe by death and evolving man came to be, it was man that brought death to this world.
Lastly, the evolution world view is a danger to man, because it teaches that through death and mutation creation is improving. This is dangerous because man in the world today believes he has become enlightened and the enlightened man has no need for God. Evolutionary teaching is wrong because it is contrary to life in a fallen world. When we are born we begin to die. Sin is growing in this world; therefore death and rot are growing. The only enlightenment we need is creation. Psalm 139:13 “For thou didst form my inward parts; thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.”
-Pastor Jason Greene
Contrary to the opinion of many believers creationism and evolution do not mix. They are contrary to one another. First creationism and evolution are not science, they are world views. They create a prism by which a person will view all other things in life, including science. Many evolutionary scientists would have you believe that they are unbiased in their research, but they come at the research with the bias of evolution, just as creation scientists will view science in a creation prism.
The reason a believer cannot examine science in the evolution world view is because it is contrary to scripture. Romans 5:12 “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death, spread to all men, because all sinned.” It was the sin of Adam that brought death into this world. It would be an incorrect assumption to believe by death and evolving man came to be, it was man that brought death to this world.
Lastly, the evolution world view is a danger to man, because it teaches that through death and mutation creation is improving. This is dangerous because man in the world today believes he has become enlightened and the enlightened man has no need for God. Evolutionary teaching is wrong because it is contrary to life in a fallen world. When we are born we begin to die. Sin is growing in this world; therefore death and rot are growing. The only enlightenment we need is creation. Psalm 139:13 “For thou didst form my inward parts; thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are thy works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.”
-Pastor Jason Greene
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dig In...
I went to Texas Roadhouse the other day. As always, it was amazing. My wife ordered cheddar and bacon on her baked potato. This isn’t unusual, but for some reason it stuck out to me this time. It occurred to me that they could probably put cheddar and bacon on my steak. What a novel idea! I asked my waiter, and after chuckling to himself he told me he could probably facilitate my little experiment. So after a short wait I was presented with an 11oz Sirloin, cooked medium, topped with a thick slice of cheddar and sprinkled with chopped up bits of bacon. It was fantastic. As a matter of fact, just writing this makes me want to go back and experience this wonderful conglomeration all over again. I would assume reading this would provoke a similar feeling in you as well. And that is my point.
On a weekly basis, we are presented with a snapshot of wonderful insights regarding the Bible. These snapshots are not meant to sustain us, but rather they are meant to motivate us to experience the Bible for ourselves. However many of us (myself included) listen to teaching at our church and feel satisfied. We feel at ease, trusting that whoever presented us with their experiences has done their due diligence. We are comfortable relying on their experience in place of our own. If this response were consistent, it would respond to my story in the following manner:
“I like steak. I like hearing stories about steak. This story about steak was so good that I don’t think I’ll need to hear another one for quite some time. I don’t need to eat any steak for myself. I trust that this is an accurate representation of what it would be like if I ate steak, and I am satisfied with my knowledge of that hypothetical situation.”
I doubt many of us have this type of response to my story. Most of us are probably fantasizing about the next time we can get a good steak. That should be our response to good teaching or preaching. When we hear what God has shown someone from His word, we should salivate, eager for our next chance to dive into its pages for ourselves.
There is a table that is always set before us. The food on it is amazing, and sustaining. However, it is our choice. We can be satisfied with the experiences of those dining around us, or we can dig in for ourselves.
-Ryan Lytton
On a weekly basis, we are presented with a snapshot of wonderful insights regarding the Bible. These snapshots are not meant to sustain us, but rather they are meant to motivate us to experience the Bible for ourselves. However many of us (myself included) listen to teaching at our church and feel satisfied. We feel at ease, trusting that whoever presented us with their experiences has done their due diligence. We are comfortable relying on their experience in place of our own. If this response were consistent, it would respond to my story in the following manner:
“I like steak. I like hearing stories about steak. This story about steak was so good that I don’t think I’ll need to hear another one for quite some time. I don’t need to eat any steak for myself. I trust that this is an accurate representation of what it would be like if I ate steak, and I am satisfied with my knowledge of that hypothetical situation.”
I doubt many of us have this type of response to my story. Most of us are probably fantasizing about the next time we can get a good steak. That should be our response to good teaching or preaching. When we hear what God has shown someone from His word, we should salivate, eager for our next chance to dive into its pages for ourselves.
There is a table that is always set before us. The food on it is amazing, and sustaining. However, it is our choice. We can be satisfied with the experiences of those dining around us, or we can dig in for ourselves.
-Ryan Lytton
Monday, June 1, 2009
Being Content...
For the past 2 months, the Royal Rangers and Missionettes have been promoting a “contest” with our kids on learning things that are foundational and key to our faith. The contest has not been a competition with each other, but rather with themselves. Our goal was to have these kids begin to search out scripture, to learn it (not just memorize) and then to apply it to their daily lives. We have seen a tremendous change in the lives of some of the boys and girls since this started because they have a new found thirst for the Truth. Those of us in leadership have challenged ourselves to learn the scriptures and to really think about their meaning and how they apply to our daily lives.
The one scripture that has stuck out to me has been Philippians 4: 11-13. “I’m not saying this because I’m in any need. I’ve learned to be content in whatever situation I’m in. I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret to how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”
Many people just focus on the verse 13, which states we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us. This is very true, but many people use it as a motivational chant to get themselves fired up to accomplish tasks that pull them out of their comfort zone both physically and spiritually. It is used as a foundation to pull themselves out of “where I am” to “where I want to be”. It is used to motivate ourselves to do the very hard or the near impossible. When we succeed, the glory goes to Christ (most of the time) and when we do not, we begin to doubt our own faith, our own standing with Christ, or we doubt the scripture.
It is important that we read all three verses together so that we come to a complete understanding. The key to this is to be content with our situation. Not content with debt or being over weight or with living in sin, but to be content that God is in control. Christ gives us the strength to endure the trials and tribulations of this life. We must learn to be content, or at peace, with ourselves and our lives so that we can focus on the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us what we need to know and what changes we are to make in our daily lives. No matter where you are today, be thankful that you are serving a loving and merciful God. Be aware that His Word still is true today. Make time today to thank God for what you have and seek Him out for his plans and purpose for you.
Jeremiah 29:11 states “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”
The one scripture that has stuck out to me has been Philippians 4: 11-13. “I’m not saying this because I’m in any need. I’ve learned to be content in whatever situation I’m in. I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret to how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”
Many people just focus on the verse 13, which states we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us. This is very true, but many people use it as a motivational chant to get themselves fired up to accomplish tasks that pull them out of their comfort zone both physically and spiritually. It is used as a foundation to pull themselves out of “where I am” to “where I want to be”. It is used to motivate ourselves to do the very hard or the near impossible. When we succeed, the glory goes to Christ (most of the time) and when we do not, we begin to doubt our own faith, our own standing with Christ, or we doubt the scripture.
It is important that we read all three verses together so that we come to a complete understanding. The key to this is to be content with our situation. Not content with debt or being over weight or with living in sin, but to be content that God is in control. Christ gives us the strength to endure the trials and tribulations of this life. We must learn to be content, or at peace, with ourselves and our lives so that we can focus on the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us what we need to know and what changes we are to make in our daily lives. No matter where you are today, be thankful that you are serving a loving and merciful God. Be aware that His Word still is true today. Make time today to thank God for what you have and seek Him out for his plans and purpose for you.
Jeremiah 29:11 states “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”
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