Sunday, April 5, 2009


1Kings 18 tells of the prophet Elijah in a face-off with the prophets of Baal. Elijah confronts all of Israel and puts before them a choice. “How long will you try to have it both ways? If the Lord is God, follow him; if Baal is God, follow him.” (1Kings 18:21 GW) Elijah proposes that he and the Baal prophets each get a bull,prepare it, set it on wood, but not on fire. They will call on the name of Baal and Elijah will call on the name of the Lord and whoever answers by fire is the true God.

This is a bold move by Elijah. He is putting his life on the line because if the Lord doesn’t answer by fire then he will most likely be killed. Elijah builds an altar, saturates it with water, and calls down fire from Heaven. God answers and His fire consumes the sacrifice, the wood, the water, and the dirt. Baal’s prophets get nothing from their god. Elijah has them killed at the Kishon River.

Why does God answer by fire? Is it because He sees that Elijah would be in big trouble if He doesn’t do something? Does God think to Himself, “What has Elijah gotten Me into now? I’d better go and bail him out (get it, bail like Baal… insert crickets chirping here).” God answers by fire because it is more than just Elijah’s name on the line, it is also His. Elijah steps out in faith that God honors His name and God does.

Go through your Bible and find every time that God’s people were up against impossible circumstances and see how God intervenes in a way that only He can do. God’s people will never be put to shame because He honors His name. Where is this kind of trust today? If it is out there I feel it is in short supply. Do we not firmly stand on the name of the Lord because like Israel in 1Kings 18 we are trying to have it both ways? Is one foot on the rock and the other on the sand? This Elijah kind of faith only operates in people who have forsaken everything to follow Him. These people know that the name of the Lord is all they need.

I am asking God to search my heart and reveal to me anything that shows I am trying to have it both ways. I don’t want to be half-hearted in my relationship with Him. I want the Lord Jesus Christ to by my all in all. He is worthy and His name is holy.

-John Spraker
Director Rock Club

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