Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Body of Christ...

The summer has all but passed, the air is taking on the familiar feel of Fall and another great opportunity for ministry is in the books. Our annual Summer program at the New River Valley Detention center finished well, with over 15 salvations and an incredible opportunity to invest daily into the lives of incarcerated teens. We at Crossroads would like to thank all those who donated their time and resources to the cause of reaching these young people for Christ.

A question that is often asked of me and others who are involved in the same type of ministry is “Do you ever see any of the people you minister to on the outside?” or “Are you ever able to do any follow up?” and I have to confess this is one of the toughest aspects to this type of ministry. The people we minister to are from different localities, they often do not have a phone, and usually have no reliable transportation. So, to say that it is a challenge is an understatement and just when I might be tempted to be discouraged God reminds me we are only one small part of a whole body that God desires to use. There is a complete body to fulfill His purpose.

In the book of 1 Corinthians Paul writes;
(1Co 12:4) There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.

(1Co 12:5) There are different ways of serving, and yet the same Lord is served.

(1Co 12:6) There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person.

Because of the different parts of this body God is using at the Radford Worship Center, we are given the awesome opportunity to minister to people at their point of need. As a result, every month people we minister to on the inside (Jail or Detention Center) are ministered to through one of the ministries at the Radford Worship Center. What an awesome privilege it is to work with a church where I can refer someone who needs counseling or someone who needs food or medical assistance. We have parents whose kids attend the Rock Club and teens that are involved in LifeChange. What an awesome demonstration of His love! It is truly an honor to be a part of a ministry where, even in the depths of a Jail or a Detention Center, the practical love of Christ can be seen through the working of His Body.

-Pastor Ted Farmer
Director Crossroads Ministry

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