For many of us, we will make one or more New Year’s resolutions. For me, I have set new goals to lose weight and to get back into shape, to pay off debt and maybe a few others that I will simply keep to myself. The problem with making New Year’s resolutions is that we don’t really commit to them long term. We start off the year with a ton of enthusiasm, but as the year goes on we start to focus on our old routines, fall back into our comfortable habits or we have to deal with something completely unexpected. Let’s face it; New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep.
If you think about it, each year is a race. The race begins at exactly 12:00 midnight on January 1st, runs for 365 complete days and the finish line is at 11:59:59 on December 31st. A new race begins as an old race ends. We use that final week of the year to reflect on the past race and prepare for the next “race” coming up. This is a cycle that only ends when we leave this earth to be with God.
So, does the Bible say anything about New Year’s resolutions? Well, in a way, it does! Take out your Bible and read Hebrews 12:1-5.
Go ahead . . . I can wait.
Ok, I want to suggest we each consider a new type of resolution for 2010. How about we all commit to “Embrace The Race: 2010”. As you can see from the first verse, “we must get rid of the things that slow us down, especially sin that distracts us”. Instead of making time to reflect on the past, maybe it is time we each look in the mirror and see if our reflection is that of Jesus. If not, maybe we need to commit our lives to being more of a reflection of Jesus to the world around us and not focus on those things that really don’t matter in God’s bigger picture.
To be a reflection of Jesus, we do what verse 2 says “we must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith.” Starting now, we should took a hard look at our lives and see what we are focusing on and ask the tough question, am I really focused on what Jesus wants me to be focused on. That may mean we need to make small changes as to where we spend our time or maybe it will mean we need to change to way we think and act. That is hard to swallow sometimes, but we are reassured that it is done in love. Read verses 4 and 5 again.
“You struggle against sin, but your struggles haven’t killed you. You have forgotten the encouraging words that God speaks to you as his children: My child, pay attention when the Lord disciplines you. Don’t give up when he corrects you. The Lord disciplines everyone he loves. He severely disciplines everyone he accepts as his child.”
Our life is a race. Not just the race of 365 days, but an entire lifetime. It is because of this scripture that I am rethinking the New Year’s resolution and making a lifetime resolution to embrace the race . . . . to be more focused on Jesus everyday. I want to reflect Jesus when somebody who does not know him looks at me. I will love those who maybe don’t deserve it . . . I will forgive those because my heavenly Father forgave me . . . I will live a life that is pleasing to Him.
- Pastor Chris Blackburn